Independent Streak

An online magazine & social networking portal for the filmmaking community

June 2010 Blog Posts (4)



Added by CRAIG BONAVENTURA on June 15, 2010 at 9:23pm — No Comments


Hi everybody!
I'm an italian filmaker, I'm trying to show my short movies more than I can.
I hope you give me the right "welcome". Here's a little bit of my last work, called "DIURNIA".

Added by Andrea SALVI on June 7, 2010 at 9:30am — 1 Comment


Adrien Brody, from King Kong, The Darjeeling Limited and The Brothers Bloom, stars in this film as a scientist. Amazingly taking the role as Clive Nicoli, he knew his experiment, what he was getting into and what mistake he could fall in love with, making it hard for him to believe the dangers if he and his girlfriend let it loose out in the world for everyone to see.

It had the structure of the popular 1997 horror flick, "The Relic" and "Species" film at the same time.…

Added by Matthew Newman on June 5, 2010 at 8:41pm — No Comments

Getting You To Get Him To The Greek

So the beginning was a little contemplating, trying to understand why there were all these news channels and how funny they became...

Before that was a music video called, "African Child." A stereotypical-like racist point of view in the film some say that was the worst.

Does a music video tank and then raise up to the top later, when this music artist, played by Russell Brand, isn't really doing well on sobering up? He learns from Jonah Hill's…

Added by Matthew Newman on June 5, 2010 at 8:14pm — No Comments

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