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Reading, Reviewing And Returning The Book Of Eli

Denzel Washington portrayed in many great films before ever starring in a film that deals with the aftermath of this world destroyed. That would be The Book of Eli. It made an outstanding accomplishment from the beginning page to the end. Not knowing Denzel Washington's character an hour and a half into the film, became as an amazing approach than any other films. The environment and the setting of the Book Of Eli reminds us in a particular way of Will Smith's 2007 film "I Am Legend." Gary Oldman, as the head honcho of all the rapists, robbers and stealers in The Book Of Eli, was too repetitive in a part of his dialogue that became a little annoying to a point.
"I like this guy."
The film made a major turn around later on after Gary Oldman's character got his men to blow up the house and took the book that Eli had in his possession for the past 30 years. Amazing in character development through Elijah, played by Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman's character, is very striking to the heart. So faither brings us all to understand that when we read, we build up knowledge to keep life going on. Also to be wise. Wise in faith, wise in knowledge and wise in the decisions we make to at least understand why it was wise to keep heading wet on an open road. Where everything else is baron, it sets out with great direction that did slope a little but caught right back up.
The theme and setting in The Book Of Eli is very creative and beats the same perception like Terminator Salvation. Eli mentions that there was a nuclear fire or a blast after some type of war. That's not how it opened. It opened with something that I was against where a fugly hairless cat dies and gets eaten by Eli. The first 3 to 5 minutes was very disturbing. Although, the creativeness of the blind and the creation of the humor was brought up, especially in the fight scenes.
-"I promise you won't get that hand back."
And he cuts that guys hand off with his sword.
Later, the front of an arrow replaces a rapists dick...
Soon, someone steps in front of a grenade not knowing what it is but gets shot back from it's explosion...
One of the bad guys ask, "what's a tv?"
And somewhere else in the film, Solara doesn't know of a singer named Johnny Cash, that Denzel Washington was quoting from, in the film, for 10 to 15 minutes.
The humor caught on at the right moments in the film, where the way each page was written, is incredible. Eli is not blind, but the girl he saves, her mother is blind and doesn't know how to read anymore. It is found out that it is the Bible of King James VII that was carried along with Eli in the entire 2 hours of the film. It was the last good one in perfect condition that was in brail for the blind. How could someone, who is not blind, understand that? Over all, it was a great turn around, twist with what he had to return to Alcatraz empty handed , but knew that bible line by line. Amazingly scripted, The Book Of Eli makes one hell of a good impression where there was no cliches and was completely unpredictable.

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