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Despite just one convoluted scene of both Predators fighting each other near the end, Adrien Brody fills in the role of the next Schwartzenegger.

He got sooo ripped for that film...

Alice Braga plays the girl, Elizabeth in which is a returning character from the first film. She fit the role so perfectly taking place of the other actress from the first that came out in 1987. Speaking of which about '87, she mentioned the year and Guatemala as well as Schwartzenegger's character's profile in what he found out about the Predators infrared vision.
In that case, Adrien Brody played the smart one. Topher Grace fell in to neutralize the film at a percent level in comedy. He played the role of a plant-life like biologist, until later in the film we find out he is also crazy in the head as well as the other prisoner life that had to survive on that planet. That comical leverage later on was worn off. Interestingly in the film Predators, was the sword fighting scene between the Asian guy and the Predator. That was fascinating and original.

Most of the scene work in the development of Predators mostly depicted the location shots to that of the very first film...

The forest life.

After all, it is just a military prison camp on the Predators planet this time around. There was so much more than one and more covered traps like the men made in the first film and yet more advanced. The amazing part was the scene where Lawrence Fishbourne comes in, close to an hour later, taking the same words from the old Predator movie into the new one when he appeared taking off the chameleon form and then the helmet piece, showing his human self to Adrien Brody, Topher Grace and the others.

Since Fishbourne didn't last long in there, inviting the surviving crew in his trailer of a home, by crawling through one part of a specific area. That reminds us of the AVP film. The crawling space before they get into a larger area. Fishbourne's character pulled a 180 on the elite crew of surviving criminals.

As we all know in many films, there is always going to be a wise one of of the bunch that would make the right choices and getting out of harms way. That was Brody's job.

Seeing and understanding that they were on a different planet didn't take them all that much time to figure it out:

1. An out of control compass, showing them that there were no North or South Poles

2. Broken familiar planets and 4 or 5 moons

3. Sunlight that hasn't changed in a long while, in the beginning, quoted by Alice Braga

4. New creatures than the Predators:
-flying infrared vision bats
-4 legged, spiked and horned beast-like ravaging rhino-like bull
-skinny athletic alien Predator that was chasing Topher Grace to his grave

So that was pretty much it with the outlying parts on that planet and the habitats that play with are mentioned from one of the other characters in the film. They mention something similar to that of a non-unified food chain. Not everything is a link. These bulls call out to it's other kinds to either pull back away from the hunters that are mostly being hunted.

The Predators become more advanced in their infrared vision where they didn't even fire their nets or use their self-destruct arm band. That's fine. They used the nets in which they made not visible to those that were hunting them down. It is not like that everyone had to fight for survival in that film, but to fight in order to get their own way in the film.

Since they tried to bring a little bit of Predator 2 in there, was the ship in order to get off that planet. The life on that planet had some personality to them, which gave the hype a push. Over all, the new infrared particulars when it came to Brody's camouflage in mud, hence Schwartzenegger's character in the first, the Predator got new visuals to track the foot prints and the hear and track the heart beat of Brody's character in that film.

Smart, yet sophisticated, it is a wonderful experience to have the same music score from the first film and the same song from the chopper in the first, seeing Jesse Ventura spit on Dutch's shoes, which plays at the end credits. It is a fun experience and enlightened me to see so much of the first film being portrayed in the 3rd installment of Predators.

4 stars for that, two thumbs up and a recommendation to those who have seen the previous ones before.

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