Independent Streak

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Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Michael Caine and the rest of the crew are a new onset with the film, "Inception." With an amazing cast, directed by The Dark Knight's Christopher Nolan, he puts on a new spin that takes you from one prime place to an unconscious one. It does look like a tricky film to make your attention span go round and round a pole. For me, my attention span was revolving around the creation of the subconscious on how deep you can go. Under one sub-conscience to another, to another and to another, really makes you think of them days when you were in school learning about the psychology of dreams.

Inception really takes a new level, since I didn't see it in 3-D. It is probably a lot better that way and I would recommend it. My girlfriend Gaby doesn't like the whole thing about the latest 3-D technology but I don't blame her. Sometimes it could be a little dull. In most cases, it is the best. There were some hand-picked lettuce throws of facts in there about memories and ideas in dreams and how you can't really control your sub-conscious in which Leonardo pointed out to Ellen's character in the movie during her first inception, her first level of inception, or however you want to put it. It does blow your mind, where, yeah, the mind is the scene of the crime... as portrayed in the trailer of the film.

If you take your time to sit down and see the film, watch it and listen very carefully in what Leonardo DiCaprio says when he meets Ellen for the first time in the film and has her under the hypnotic program for the first time.

There are a lot of throw-outs in Inception, but don't just jump to conclusions. Marion Cotillard who plays the dead wife is a memory of Leonardo's character who ends up being a distraction in the film throwing in the personal memories, that get in the way. The kids in the film are another part in which the plot tallies to the side some. You do try to jump right back up on the bandwagon to understand on how his major role is supposed to extract information from somebody's dream and use that to prevent any harsh punishments later on with an empire of a family. Their empires son, portrayed by Cillian Murphy, was not expected to be like how he was in the other films with Christopher Nolan. It was a turn around for him when DiCaprio got in the picture helping him realize what he should do differently in his second subconscious level.

Since there is an elevator in the film Inception, the B, for the basement held DiCaprio's characters memories. That is where he stored them. Page figures that part out and gets DiCaprio to move on without holding a part of his past.

The most intriguing, inspiring film made when it comes to dealing with a construction of all the sub-conscious-based levels, really do the trick for special effects and everything else. So they had the architect, played by Page and so on and so forth, it parallels with similar films like Shutter Island a little, the technical program in a case similar to The Matrix, and what I've been told, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I know I've been drawing my own speculations on it and I have to say that it is worth seeing the entire 2 hrs and 30 mins.

*Important if you see Inception:

Pay close attention to the film and listen carefully as what is said in the film. You will understand it better.

Two thumbs up and three and a half stars. I recommend it completely.

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