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On Valentine’s Day, You Do Not Have To See The Film

The A-List actors, such as Queen Latifah, Jennifer Gardner, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Cathy Bates, Bradley Cooper, Jamie Foxx, Topher Grace, Anne Hathaway, Patrick Dempsey and Eric Dane were more involved in the film “Valentine’s Day,” than any other actor. They set the film straight from beginning to end. The worst director, Gary Marshall, to film a romantic comedy really failed in direction since it never led anywhere. Valentine’s Day really tipped down. It sailed off with a great ending and with meaning… A moral involvement when it comes to a loving relationship.
Everyone knows when they find out someone is cheating on them. The film, “Valentine’s Day” tried real hard by having a specific direction when it comes to couples finding out about their friends and their relationships with other men and women. Anne Hathaway, from 2008’s “Get Smart,” pulled it off portraying an adult phone entertainer, or when Topher Grace found out later in the film, a phone sex operator. She had the humor pressing on her nose and all with those sexy voices she was doing. A the movie critic Peter Grossi is, he says that, “all romantic comedy films are formulaic.” This specific type of film probably missed something with that half way. In conjuncture with the rest of the cast, yeah that was fine to a typical type of point.
As a whole, “Valentine’s Day” was not suitable with the length of time provided. It should’ve been edited thoroughly. For most teens, singer Taylor Swift, or wannabe singer, made her debut hit through the Grammy’s with the number one album of the year… I believe that’s only last year’s hit. Maturely, it is not suitable for the ages of adults that are 21 and up. These generations of other children that are popping up, that are in their teens, really love her style. That is the most viewed population of people that have been estimated in the U.S. Seeing that 26 year old singer in the film Valentine’s Day, was pretty much a waste of it’s time. If she played a smaller role, cameoing in a scene, that would’ve been great. She was a real waste of time and the actor that played her boyfriend was also a waste. I’m not saying that I have a hatred for these new baby boomer music artists, it is just plainly uncomfortable for the film itself. A ditz mostly portrayed in her character, really showed how much of a ditz she really is. Everyone in the entertainment industry will say that, “if you show that you are nervous, because it is your first time singing as a music artist, don’t do it. Take a different route or practice until you are a little more comfortable.” She is not only horrible that she jumped in too quickly, shaking like hell when she sings, but the Grammy’s need to straighten up and get themselves fixed straight.
Even though the two child actors in the film, “Valentine’s Day,” Taylor Swift and the actor who portrayed her boyfriend, probably needs to learn a lot more before ever wanting to make his role into the next adolescent Twilight Saga film “Eclipse” coming at the end of June this year. “The film made me want to have diabetes,” says Peter. I, on the other hand wouldn’t say those specific words about it but the character development did raise up a little more from it’s competitor remake, “The Wolfman.” The other A-list actors didn’t have any problems, but when the film moved along, it itself did have more problems. The writers of the film “Valentine’s Day,” made me want to wrap my head around a pole. The ending is always a great assembly where those, that came in last, saved the message that the film is trying to give out: “You can’t always judge someone after you just met them. It takes time to like and then to love, and when they are in love you have to accept them for what they are and the way they do things,” mentions Mr. Grace in the film, nearing the end.
Although, the film did try to revolve around the day of Valentine’s Day, it did pick out the pin points of what loving someone is like and how to share that day and the one special day to love them, treasure them and be with them on the things that they like to do too. The film did try to build up on the acting of all those that got their heads in there and with a storyline that was never there. It didn’t live up to anything in the film that would’ve been understood, but the entirety of the story was never understood. It’s like, you might as well figure out how far you want to throw a ball in order to hit it on the right wall to land in a garbage can in your bedroom from the kitchen. Nearing the end of Valentine’s Day, got a little better. Topher Grace and Jennifer Gardner in the film acting more like brother and sister than best friends in the beginning. Throughout the film, they tried to portray their characters as best friends. They tried too hard but that went down. Other actors in the film played their roles as followed but followed with a lot of chemistry.
Thought of beginning to expect, Fergie in the film “Valentine‘s Day,” the trailers have always started out in the marketing campaign for the move with the song, “I’ve Gotta Feeling,“ from The Black Eyed Peas. Maybe the main theme song, but that didn’t catch up. Who did with most of the humor was Topher Grace and George Lopez’s chemistry. George Lopez kept it comfortable around the edges. The chemistry around the other actors were propounding. Other than that, there was too many problems in the film where I can not recommend it at all. For that, I have to give it 1½ stars.

Views: 18

Comment by Rachel Galvin on March 8, 2010 at 8:44pm
Just so you know, Taylor Swift is a huge singer. I am sure I can contest many other things you have written, but I do not have the time. But thanks for posting. KIt is always nice to hear other's opinions. I agree, overall, that the film was a flop...and Marshall is normally a good director, after all, he directed "Pretty Woman," but something went terribly wrong here. This writing is a little hard to follow... I don't know if you made typos or what... Also, please do check your facts before writing (like saying Swift is a "wanna-be" singer...) And yes, I got your personal message... If I have a chance, I may respond to that privately...
Comment by Matthew Newman on March 8, 2010 at 9:27pm
Thank you Rachel. I am getting better with my writing over time when it comes to my screenplays. I always make notes on my site for other members to respond and help. I know that I may be a little off track with new music artists that I am really not used to these days but there are new generations of kids coming in and listening to her music than of those around your age and my age.
Even though, I wasn't as happy with the oscars last night, I had a feeling that Avatar was going to take the spot. I was very disappointed with those who voted for The Hurt Locker. Do you know if there is a way for me to get my WGA card?
Comment by Matthew Newman on March 10, 2010 at 10:03am
Okay. I kind of think differently as an environmental activist when I saw the film Avatar. Even though, I thought the Oscars didn't go all that well.


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