My personal mission is to build the best acting school possible. Toward that end my objective is to train so many students, so well, that actors from South Florida develop the same prestige now given to those in Hollywood. This is certainly an attainable goal, especially recognizing the industry support being offered in our area.
At Palm Beach Acting School we take the position that everyone holds the key to his or her own success. The goal of the artist is to supply truthful feelings under given circumstances, and to translate dialogue into behavior and action. Acting is the art of self realization. The degree at which the actor will be successful is directly related to the degree at which he or she can make up meaningful situations that touch the heart.
Acting is spontaneous and instinctual; connecting with your partner, and living truthfully under the imaginary circumstances, moment to unanticipated moment. Acting is expressing exactly how you feel during each and every moment. Acting is not how you say the lines; it is how you behave emotionally while saying them.
Everyone learns at his or her own pace, and there is no time limit involved. Students who work with this much acting intensity are usually very supportive of each other. Rehearsals with classmates between classes are mandatory if you plan to become a professional actor. Talented people are immediately drawn towards this type of acting awareness. The training requires discipline, and hard work, and the actors have true experiences with real emotions. The program at Palm Beach Acting School guarantees that if you put in the time you will learn to act to the very best of your ability!
This is how most professional actors work. Students who have trained this way stand head and shoulders above the rest!!
Finally, as a performer you will want to be recognized for your achievements. Those who see your work, do so for the theatrical experience. They will remember how you made them feel!
Therefore, create a performance which deals with human emotions, and heartfelt stories. People will want to learn and grow from being exposed to your work...and to become better members of society!!!
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Best Regards,
Michael Haney/Instructor/Actor