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Not Easily Broken-Movie Review By John delia

Starring: Morris Chestnut, Taraji P. Henson, Kevin Hart, Jennifer Lewis, Maeve Quinlan and Eddie Cibrian

Directed by: Bill Duke

Rated PG-13 for sexual references and thematic elements

By John Delia

Although Not Easily Broken is a little preachy and somewhat predictable, I liked the film for the delivery of the challenging storyline with it’s myriad of everyday problems. Well acted out by Chestnut, Henson and Lewis it made me feel like one should not marry until you lived with in the person’s shoes for a long while. The uplifting film plays best to adults that are in relationships or about to be. But, be cautioned that this is a feature film from a novel and not a documentary on life’s marital trials and tribulations.
The film centers on Dave (Chestnut) and Clarice (Henson) a young couple that get married after believing that they have made the best choice. At their wedding ceremony, the bishop drapes a cord made of three strands over the happy couple stating that two of the strands represent the man and woman, while the third represents God. He tells them that if they keep God strong in their life their bond of marriage will not easily be broken.
So starts their new life, but some baggage comes with their newfound happiness. Dave’s dream of being a major league baseball player ended when he busted up his leg in a game and now ten years later he has a small construction firm with his closest friends while his wife has become one of the top real estate salespersons in the area. Clarice’s head has become inflated with her success and has lost site of what Dave feels is their dream, bringing a child into their lives. At odds over this, Dave fills his afternoons with being a little league coach while Clarice starts questioning his absence in her life due to his commitment. When a shattering event happens, it throws the couple into a downward spin. That’s when Clarice’s meddling mother Mary (Lewis) enters the picture determined to solve their marriage problems.
There is a lot going on in this film with the many side stories involving Dave’s co-workers and buddies, Clarice’s inflated ego taking over her rational judgment, a wacky mother interfering in the marriage, a too close relationship with a physical therapist, team problems involving one of the fathers and more. But, director Duke handles all these elements with a strong hand resolving the issues with satisfying result. His movie, although somewhat predictable, flows well providing very good entertainment and some comic relief within the heavy storyline.
The movie Not Easily Broken is based on a book by Bishop T.D. Jakes, writer of the best selling inspirational books Maximize the Moment, The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord, The Great Investment: Faith, Family and Finance, God’s Leading Lady, Cover Girls, Follow the Star, He-Motions: Even Strong Men Struggle, The Ten Commandments of Working in a Hostile Environment, Mama Made the Difference: Life Lessons My Mother Taught Me, Woman Thou Art Loosed.
If I had to give a best performance for this film it would go to Jennifer Lewis as the meddling mother who puts her nose into everything. Her delivery of the dialogue as the overly protective mother-in-law is so over-the-top at times that is made me wonder if one should probably live with their intended spouse’s mother for a good period of time before getting married.
The film contains sexual references and thematic elements so be cautioned when deciding to bring the very young.

FINAL ANALYSIS: If you like films that involve a lot of challenging life situations, then Not Easily Broken should be high on your list. (3.5 of 5 stars)

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