Independent Streak

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Audition Woes & Zombie Transformations

The process of auditioning can often suck. You constantly need to prove your worth. I know well what you are supposed to do, but don't always do it. In this case, I let myself get distracted by someone else's audition and let it color (or change) what I was intending to do. Now, I suppose I am the only one that knows that. I have no idea how the audition looked to others. I am sure it was adequate. But I wanted drop mouth to the floor spectacular. I guess I am a perfectionist in that way. I like to feel on the inside that it is right, and when I don't, I get down on myself. So no matter how many years you are in the biz, you never lose that feeling. I prefer direct bookings. :) Once I have a part and can dissect it with the director, I always exceed their expectations.

On to more pleasant topics ... ZOMBIES! It seems these last few weeks have a zombie theme. Not only am I in a zombie movie, but also Michael Jackson's b-day just happened, which makes me think of his "Thriller" video and now I go to Liza Trainer's party and, inevitably, she is making up my friend Vanessa Rolfe into a zombie.

Now, unlike Strega Moon Productions with their professional tool kit, Liza likes to prove how to do things on a shoestring budget so the first thing she does is whip out toilet paper and stick it to Vanessa's face with a kind of latex. Then when it's good and dry, she mops on the foundation and then digs holes in the the toilet paper to look like torn out flesh and fills in the gaps with blood. Brilliant. You can see the before and after in my photos.

This was just fun for the party Liza was having. She also enjoyed slicing open Vanessa's night gown so the prostetic boobies could show through. I gladly ripped up the rest of the dress. I wanted blood on Vanessa but Liza didn't want the boobies to accidentally get splashed. She wants to be able to use them in the future.

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